Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I forgot to enter or need to change required details to my order (name, age, image, etc.). What do I do?
A: Please send us a message through our “Chat” button, located at the bottom of the screen or email us at

Q: When will my order process?
A: We will process your order within 3-5 business days upon receipt. Please note that we do not process or ship orders on Fridays after 12 pm PST, weekends or holidays. If you need your order to be processed urgently, please send us a message. For more information regarding shipping, please visit link

Q: Do you have any items that are ready to ship?
A: No, all items are made to order unless stated otherwise.

Q: Do you take custom orders?
A: Depending on our current workload and the request, we do take custom orders. Please fill out a “Custom Order Request Form”

Q: I saw a product on your Instagram/Pinterest/Etsy, that is not listed here. How can I place an order for item?
A: Please send us a message through our “Chat” button, located at the bottom of the screen or email us at